
Where do I begin? Well, over the years, I seem to have acquired many professional and non-professional titles. I enjoy every single aspect of my not-so-conventional life and I made the change in 2004. It’s a long story, but I’m pleased to say there was a very happy ending. I went from Deputy-Head teacher in a local primary school to a nothing. I resigned due to ill health and started from scratch. It was the best decision I ever made, and I have never looked back.

My happy ever after involved moving house, supporting my partner with his business, re-establishing a career of my own, getting married, having two children and moving house, again. The fantastic thing about non-conventional-life is that no two days are the same. Life is full of surprises and I love the variety of work I am involved in.

But work doesn’t really make me tick like my hobbies do: cooking, exercise, creative projects, photography, writing, and even home educating my children, which I see as a passion and labour of love. I love stepping into the kitchen and testing my meal ideas

I think many people feel this way and want to break away from their jobs, and I am very, very lucky that my lifestyle has allowed me to do the thing I love. This is why In A Stew has been re-born and I’m excited for what it might bring. I really hope you will enjoy joining me for my journey too.

Thanks for popping by and taking a look.


Laura xx
