Child 1

Building my website from scratch.

Part of my idea behind beginning my blogging journey again, was that I would document what I have learnt and carried out every step of the way. Now, as you can see, my blog/website is currently completely blank. You might think that this is by choice and by design, but actually it’s because I have only just started to build my site. I do have some background knowledge of WordPress (I support WordPress websites for my business), however, I haven’t got any knowledge of building one from scratch.

Just like blogging, website building isn’t easy, and none of us should assume or judge others that build sites and think that it is . In my experience, people only get really good with loads of experience and practice. Nobody ever becomes an expert without hours and hours of practice. Time, dedication, persistence and patience result in success, and I’m here to find out if I have any of those qualities. Fingers crossed that I do.

These are my goals –

  1. Build a clean, easy to navigate website to document my life.
  2. Create a weekly lifestyle blog post relating to all of my interests.
  3. Include a newsletter where visitors can sign up to receive the newsletter at regular intervals.
  4. Embed my YouTube channel into the blog.
  5. Ideally, I would like the site to provide an income stream, but time will tell.

This is what I have learnt so far –

  1. I haven’t got a clue how themes work in WordPress – needs more work.
  2. I know how to install the backup plugin ‘Updraft’
  3. I can create a blog post.
  4. That the design of the website is really hard.
  5. I need to work out the menu system so that I can have several pages showing.
  6. From looking at other websites, I know that it is really important that the site ‘works’ or visitors won’t stay.
  7. That creating content is very time consuming!
  8. I need to take some photographs of me, and other related topics to go on the site. Photography is crucial.
  9. Building a website can cost a lot of money.

What have I achieved so far –

  1. Asked my website expert colleague, Joe Charlton @jcwebdesign to install a fresh copy of WordPress, register my domain and host it on his servers
  2. Installed a theme – 2021
  3. Created a static home page with for my weekly blog posts.
  4. Played around with the appearance of the site, but as you can see I haven’t actually achieved too much.
  5. I have published 2 blog posts.
  6. Worked out how to incorporate an email subscription to encourage visitors to the site.
  7. Built in links to my social channels.

A huge advantage to approaching something new, is that you LEARN so much. I’m an educator and so my passion and love of learning never ceases. I lead a free, creative and entrepreneurial life that means everything I do, I have to do it for myself. I can’t wait or pay to be shown. I have to figure out how to do it. It’s the life I’ve led for over 15 years now. Running a business and trying to keep ahead, especially in the world of IT, results in a way of working that makes you lead your own learning and write your own life script.

After only two weeks at my new project, I can honestly say, I am really, really loving the challenge of building everything from scratch. With the way we live nowadays, we take everything for granted, especially websites, and by embarking on this journey myself, I’m able to understand exactly what it takes.

Ultimately, and it might take a few years, I would like the website and my love of cooking to maybe earn me an income, but unless I begin the journey today I will never even get remotely close to that becoming a reality.

Thank you for reading my post today. On Friday, I will be launching my Feast Friday page, where I will share my delicious recipes. Also, don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @inastew & Twitter @inastewuk.

Keep cooking!

Laura xx